Internal Moots
Internal moots are organised by the Senior and Junior Internal Moot Coordinators. In an internal moot, mooters pair up in groups of two, with one senior counsel and one junior counsel. Teams are either chosen by mooters themselves, if you have a friend you wish to moot with, or the Society Committee will match a partner for you. The approach is quite simple, teams are matched against other teams, where one side will represent the claimant, and the other side will represent the respondent. Teams will moot a case chosen by the Internal Moot Coordinators and will pertain to one of several areas of law that they have, or are studying. Teams representing either side are given ample time to prepare their positions, generally about two weeks. Senior Counsels are expected to prepare to speak for around 15 minutes, and the Junior Counsels for about 10 minutes, be prepared to be stopped mid-argument to answer questions the trial judge has regarding your case.
To win a moot, a team can win on either points of law or advocacy, or both. Winning on the law is a phrase used in mooting to describe excellence in a team’s ability to construct legal arguments which are more authoritative than those of the opposing counsel. Winning on points of advocacy refers to a team’s excellence in articulating their team’s position as supported by either the facts and/or the law, as well as responding well to the judge's questions. It is possible for the team that won on points of advocacy, but not the law, to be declared the winner.
If you would like more information on how to moot, have a look at our Guide to Mooting section on this website. If you would like to get involved, please click this link and fill out our Google Form. If you have any questions please feel free to drop us an email through the "Contact Us" page or reach out to us on any of our social media, links of which are on the "Contact Us" page. We will be posting regular updates as to when moots are happening.
The Society holds the following Internal Moots every year:
To win a moot, a team can win on either points of law or advocacy, or both. Winning on the law is a phrase used in mooting to describe excellence in a team’s ability to construct legal arguments which are more authoritative than those of the opposing counsel. Winning on points of advocacy refers to a team’s excellence in articulating their team’s position as supported by either the facts and/or the law, as well as responding well to the judge's questions. It is possible for the team that won on points of advocacy, but not the law, to be declared the winner.
If you would like more information on how to moot, have a look at our Guide to Mooting section on this website. If you would like to get involved, please click this link and fill out our Google Form. If you have any questions please feel free to drop us an email through the "Contact Us" page or reach out to us on any of our social media, links of which are on the "Contact Us" page. We will be posting regular updates as to when moots are happening.
The Society holds the following Internal Moots every year: